Thursday, February 8, 2018

Super Bowl Advertisement

The first Super Bowl advertisement that I analyzed was an ad on the NFL. This ad shows two popular athletes from the NFL Odell Beckham and Eli Manning reenacting the dance from the movie Dirty Dancing. This ad is trying to target their audience by using humor by using to big male NFL players dancing together. Since a Dirty Dancing reenactment was used female viewers might have been attracted be Dirty Dancing was know for being a "chick flick." Older viewers in general might have been attracted to this ad because they can relate better than the younger viewers since Dirty Dancing was made during the older generations. Techniques I can use from this advertisement is humor to promote my magazine. The second Super Bowl advertisement that I analyzed was one that promoted the 2018 Winter Olympics. This ad showed famous skier Lindsey Vonn 's years of training over her years and showed how she overcame her big injury to perform in the Winter Olympics. This ad builders emotion for empowerment and inspiration to promote people to watch the Winter Olympics. This ad may also attract females because Lindsey Vonn was used in the ad. A technique I can use from this advertisement is the uses of inspiration. I can use inspiration to promote my fashion magazine by inspiring individuals that may think they can not fit in. The third advertisement I analyzed was the Tide ad. In this ad, they convince viewers to buy Tide by using celebrities from the famous series called Stranger Things. I can use their technique by putting a famous celebrity on the cover of my magazine.

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