Vanity Fair is another magazine with a similar target audience. To market their mahazine, Vanity Fair recently came up with something called the Vanity Fair Social Club, a virtual experiential event. This was created to allow mant bloggers to discuss and connect with customers about major events using a specific event hashtag. Vanity Fair has found out that 88 percent of shopper say that if they enjoy an experiential interaction with a product they are more likely to make a purchase. This creates positive branding for Vanity Fair. With this virtual experiential event, 3.8 million people responded yes with 12 weeks with entry submissions. Vanity Fair's overall marketing strategy is to allow the customers to say what they want, so products quality and useful for them.
Taking from this I can create a website for my magazine and offer an online forum where my website and magazine readers can discuss amoungst each other about the magazine or other topics about fashion or ones that they choose themselves. This can possibly create more popularly for my magazine.
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