Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Research #1 GQ

For this magazine project I am going to start analyzing different magazines to look for conventions and get inspiration for when I create my own magazine. For my first magazine it is the GQ magazine for the month of February 2017. The cover of this magazine features Chance the Rapper, a famous United States musician, standing with his hands at his hips, smiling, taking up most of the space on the cover. The background of the cover is yellow and half the "Q" in the GQ logo in the top left corner is being covered by Chance's head. At the corners of the magazine there are title summaries of article in the magazine in the text colors of black and red. Turning to the first page there is an advertisement about a Chevrolet car where the image of the car takes up both pages. Turning to the next page there is another advertisement advertising Dolce and Gabbana clothing -again, taking up both pages from left to right. Being a fashion magazine, most of the ads are about high end fashion brands along with some deodorant, perfume and cologne advertisements. The first article I ran into in the magazine is about skin-care treatment and mens grooming. In this GQ magazine there is a page that recognizes all the editors, publishers, designers, and directors of different department of the magazine. the U.S GQ magazine has an average paid circulation of 824,334 issues per month, of which 609,238 were subscriptions.

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