Thursday, March 15, 2018

Creative Critical Reflection Draft #4

What I used to create my magazine was a Cannon camera, a computer with Microsoft Publisher, and an iPhone 8. In scheduling photo shoots many of the people that I chose to take pictures with had tight schedules and the only one that matched my schedule was able to take part in my shoot during the later parts of the day when it gets dark. In order to take pictures that are visible to see, flash had to be used on the camera I used. When it came time to actually create my magazine I chose Microsoft Publisher. During the makings of the magazine, I cropped, resized and dragged to position pictures. I also had a variety of fonts to choose from and used text boxes to enter my text to move them around. In making my logo for the magazine I was able to adjust the transparency of the colors of the letters on Publisher. The iPhone 8 was used to take smaller pictures for the table of contents. When taking photos I set the camera on portrait mode to blur out the background of the main subject I was capturing. The iphone was also set on HDR.

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