Thursday, March 15, 2018

Creative Critical Reflection Draft #3

Going into this project I had the choice of creating a film or a magazine. My immediate decision was the magazine because I had more experience creating print media since I was recently taking a tech class where I was taught how to fully use Microsoft programs such as Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. Choosing to do a magazine I was given the option to use either Adobe InDesign or Microsoft Publisher. I chose Publisher because I was more familiar with Microsoft programs. Since I was good with Microsoft Word, Publisher was very familiar because a lot of Microsoft programs work the same. Creating my magazine was not really difficult, but coming with ideas of where to position pictures and text was difficult. However, when getting into how magazines are produced, it was very new to me. I now know the steps to how a magazine traditionally and digitally gets to the consumers. I also learned the conventions of magazines throughout the project by researching different magazines. I was able to gain knowledge of where to place pictures, what type of colors to put on pages and where to position text. Knowing what I do now, I now know what it takes to produce a magazine when I see one.

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