Saturday, December 16, 2017

Magazine Cover Template

This will be my first magazine cover template draft. For my magazine, my title will be at the top left corner. The of my title my magazine will in the Arial Black font. I chose Arial Black because it was simple and not too extravagant. The article blips will be located all on the right side of the magazine so there will be a more of a clearer view of the picture that will be in the background. The article blips will be in the Century Gothic font because it is personably my most favorite font and it goes very well with my title. The font will also be bolded so they will be easier to see over the image. I will also feature an issue name of my magazine because from the research I'v done most of the magazines have the issue stated on the cover. This layout will not be set in stone yet has I am still trying to come up with more creative designs as I continue with this magazine project.

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